The Teknix Concepts Matrix USB Pedal Switcher is the control center for every serious playback operator. This unit gives the operator every option for control you could ever want, including several programming modes, show modes, backup modes, bypass modes, and more. The main feature that separates this device from anything else on the market is its ability to synchronize multiple computers with (1) switch (such as the Boss FS-5U, or any momentary non-latching switch with a ¼”), with the option to use up to 6 Remote switches. The most important feature the Teknix Concepts Matrix USB Pedal Switcher has is its (2) parallel USB outputs. These function like a standard alpha keyboard “Spacebar”, which is normally assigned to start & stop operations for every major music & audio software application. This makes it possible to sync (2) computers, with no additional interfaces, no plug-ins, no time code, no MTC, no special cables, and no latency. Stop right there! Think of the possibilities! This unit has revolutionized playback sync, and has added the control necessary to fix any playback problem in less than 1 second. Achieve sync for more than (2) computers with the optional Teknix Concepts Pedal Switcher Extension and additional Teknix Concepts USB Pedal Switchers, see below.This Switcher is rugged and hand made in the USA with the finest components to ensure long life and reliability. It comes with a 1-year manufacturer warranty, and a lifetime guarantee for support and repairs. It runs on a standard guitar pedal -9VDC power supply, which powers the LEDs, but maintains passive true bypass switching so the Switcher can operate with no power supply if needed. Use the power switch to engage the LED circuits: (1) Tone Bypass Switch (for Auto Switchers), (1) Remote Bypass Switch, and the 3-Position Remote Selector Switch. Can be custom configured to use the TS input of audio interfaces that require ¼” input control for “Footswitch” and “Pedal” inputs found on many digital audio interfaces. Remote switches can be up to 300’ from the Teknix Concepts Matrix USB Pedal Switcher, and control input cable lengths can be up to 600'.
When the Tone Bypass Switch (for Auto Switchers) is engaged the respective yellow LED will illuminate and the Auto Switcher (such as the Radial SW8) will no longer auto switch. This forces the audio outputs of the auto switcher to follow the B-Side computer by interrupting the auto tone signal. An additional feature can be included in the custom build for a “A-side force on with an external tone generator. This is great for programming and recovering playback during computer failures or if playback is accidentally switched off, and when the band wants to play a song while the operator programs a different song. Custom features for the bypass switch can be configured to a number of other signals such as: MIDI, SMPTE, LTC, MTC, talkback, and so much more; just flip the bypass switch when you don’t want the MIDI signal to send, or when you need the talkback mic to turn on, etc.
When the Remote Bypass Switch is engaged the respective yellow LED will illuminate and the (2+) Remote inputs will become inactive. This way the operator can disable the Remote control temporarily while he/she is programming or recovering from a computer/interface problem. No more wasted time trying to communicate to the drummer to not hit the pedal until the sequence is ready; just flip the switch to make your programming adjustments and flip it back when you are ready for Remote control.
The 3-Position Remote Selector Switch is the best part of the control mechanism. During normal playback this 3-Position switch will be in the center position, allowing control to both the "A" & "B" computers simultaneously, a green LED will be illuminated. When the 3-Position switch is set to the A-Side, only the "A" computer will follow the Remote Switch’s control, indicated by a blue LED. When the 3-Position switch is set to the B-Side, only the "B" computer will follow the Remote Switch’s control, indicated by a red LED. This is ultra convenient when the band wants to play (start/stop playback) a song while the operator programs a different song, or needs to advance to another sequence/song. This is also very useful if (1) playback system is acting irregularly and requires restarting or other software repairs that should not be interrupted with continuous start and stop messages from the Remote Switch.
When seconds count, you need a heavy-duty switch to go to the back up that is easy and reliable. This unit has (1) input that connects directly to the A-Side, and (1) input for the B-Side, so the computers don’t even need to be touched for independent control. No need to hide an application or reach over the mouse pad to start or stop just (1) computer. This also allows much more accurate timing for “punching” in & out of the sequence on either the “A” or “B” side independently. No more guessing or hoping the punch is “in time”. Plus you don’t have to smash the fragile spacebar like it’s a snare drum. Just stomp on the respective FS-5U and leave the nice spacebar alone. There are (2+) inputs for starting & stopping the A-Side & B-Side computers simultaneously, allowing (1) FS-5U input at the computers and another (1) input that can be run to the booth, broadcast, console, or another distant location. There are (2+) inputs for Remote switching (which follow the bypass and 3-Position Switch explained above). Typical uses for the Remote Switches include: a drummer, lead singer, front man/woman, stage manager, show caller, producer, etc. There are (2+) Remote inputs allowing for 2 Remote Switches; for example (2+) different drum sets; or a producer & a stage manager both having start & stop control.
The Teknix Concepts Matrix USB Pedal Switcher has built in fault protection too, preventing many failures on (1) playback system from affecting the other working system(s). This is critical, if it gets too hot or cold, if Mercury is in retrograde, if the sun is spitting out solar flares, if your computers are too close to a broadcast dish or an Air Force base, you can rest easy that there will be no cross talk from one system to the other. Just set the Remote Switch as needed or use the "A" Input or "B" input FS-5Us as needed, while you correct the failing system and/or restart all the hardware or software. Unplugging the USB does not initiate playback or send any start/stop data either, so if the cables get unplugged on accident it’s no problem. Try doing any of that with a typical pedal/foot-switch connection to an audio interface.
The Teknix Concepts Matrix USB Pedal Switcher controls (2) computers simultaneously, but with a Teknix Concepts Pedal Switcher Extension and (1) or more Teknix Concepts USB Pedal Switchers, adding more computers to the playback system is easy and reliable. Making sync with Video, Pyro, Lighting, and more easier than it’s ever been. Contact us for more info, watch the tutorial below, or see the related products below.
Video tutorial coming soon for a full explanation with examples.
Dimensions: (W/D/H): 8" x 5" x 3" (204mm x 127mm x 77mm)
Weight: 1.38lbs (22.2oz)
Switching: Power On/Off mini toggle, TS/USB mini toggle, Drum Iso (TS/USB) mini toggle, auto switching Tone (or MIDI, SMPTE, Talkback, etc.) Bypass mini toggle, Remote Bypass mini toggle, 3-way Remote Selector switch (“A” / “A” & “B” / “B”); (6) total switches.
Connectors: (1) ¼” TRS input and (1) ¼” TRS output for auto switching Tone Bypass, (1) ¼” TRS input “A”, (1) ¼” TRS input “B”, (2) ¼” TRS inputs for Local control of “A” & “B”, (2) ¼” TRS inputs for Remote control of “A” & “B”; (6) total inputs. (1) ¼” TRS output for the “A” side interface, (1) ¼” TRS output for the “B” side interface, (1) USB 2.0 B-connector output for the “A” side computer, (1) USB 2.0 B-connector output for the “B” side computer; (4) total outputs.
Computer Compatibility:
Mac OS 10.7 and higher.
Windows/DOS - 2000/XP/Vista/Win 7 and higher.
Mac Linux.
Alpha key command is preset to “Spacebar”. Optional programming is available for alpha key to be any alpha key command, with or without “Shift”. Contact us for more info on purchasing a device with alternate programming or reprogramming a pre-owned device.
Contents Include
2 USB CABLES AND -9VDC POWER SUPPLYFor more information on custom modifications/options and proper cables contact us. We also offer custom cables and custom cable adapters that work perfectly with this device and your equipment needs.

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