- Professional Studio & Touring Quality
- Customize Any Cable Configuration
- Choose Your Materials, Length, And Specs
- Techflex, Labels, And Other Options
- Free Consultation And Estimate
The Teknix Concepts Custom Shop can help with all of your custom cable needs!
We use only the best components and materials, and can customize any cable configuration for your specific musical instrument and professional audio requirements. These cables are custom built and reinforced with Teknix Trix and Rock Star Secrets, utilizing construction techniques that only the pros know, way above the industry (consumer) standards. From high-end studios & major live venues, to garage jams & small practice rooms, Teknix Concepts will connect your entire signal chain, no matter how complex or unique the setup. Each cable is built exactly to your specifications, and we can offer solutions to get your gear playing and sounding exactly the way you want it to!
Contact us today for a free quote, and let's start the design process! Please allow for build time, and mention any specific deadlines.

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