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Tips & Trix for your daily use. Everything from audio tips to translations for traveling abroad. This section is perfect for every Musician, Engineer or Technician in the Music Industry.


Translation Main Image

Foreign language translations for your International Gigs.

– Spanish                   – Chinese

– Portugese               – Japanese

– German                   – Arabic

Dutch                       – French

Danish                     – Russian

Treasures of the Web.2Here are some of my favorite websites to visit. Find lots of useful information and links here

– Shopping                – Security

– Finance                   – Food

– Music                       – Live Concerts


Teknix Concepts Tips n Trix Helpful DiagramsHelpful diagrams and charts. Everything from standard graph paper to the periodic table.

– Graphs                     – Charts

Schematics            – Formulas

Roman Numerals

– Electrical Symbols and Quantities

International Electrical Plugs



Tube List

All the information you could ever need on Power, Pre-Amp, and Rectifier tubes all gathered in one place.

Teknix 8-Set.9.8.4StrokeTricknology Video Series

The Tricknology Video Series, with 8 DVD’s & more than 6 hours of instruction, is perfect for every Musician, Engineer or Technician in the Music Industry. Ryan Huddleston takes you into the shop, into the studio, and on the road with him, to teach you all the best trix & methods of professional Audio Engineers & Backline Technicians.

Music and Audio Tools.Stroke

Music & Audio Tools CD

The International Roadie, “Music and Audio Tools” CD is a supplement to the Tricknology 8-DVD Instructional Video Series.  Designed to help you with maintenance, servicing, and repairing all types of equipment used by musicians, audio engineers, and backline technicians. Use these test signals to check Sound System Fidelity and Function, in Studios, Theatres, Churches, Arenas, Stadiums, Home Theatres, Expos, Outdoor Events, Street Fairs, Festivals, and more.

Guitar Solos.6Stroke

Greatest Guitar Solos

The Greatest Guitar Solos of all time! Watch Ryan play through the greatest solos in rock history.


Equipment Endorsements

The gear used by Ryan Huddleston and the companies that he recommends. Thanks to all the vendors and friends for their support and endorsements.


Elixir Video Series

Elixir’s Guitar Tech Video Series, featuring Ryan Huddleston. Learn the secrets of a professional guitar technician, so you can quickly troubleshoot and prevent technical difficulties, such as String Buzz, No Volume, Noise & Crackle, and Staying In Tune. Get your gear optimized for performance.

More coming Soon…

Including sections on;

The resistor color code

Guitar stringing diagrams

Speaker impedance charts

Troubleshooting strategies

& more…

Teknix Services Benner2


Music and VideosRockstar

Teknix Resource LibraryRockstar

Int Road Rockstar

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Elixir strings troubleshooting videos with Ryan Huddleston Ryan’s Recent Projects

Teknix Concepts Switchers Guitar Workshops Greatest Guitar Solos of All Time Music Videos by Music & Videos by Ryan Tricknology Video Series 8-DVD Set Tone Teknix Audio Teknix Impentris Approaching the Darkness Guitar Serenity The Eras and Beyond International Roadie Music & Audio Tools Test Signals for Audio Systems

Teknix Resource Library Tips & Trix Shred Lix & Trix My Friends on Tour Equipment Endorsements International Roadie Memiors Follow Ryan Huddleston around the globe to the coolest places on the planet