- Music From Ryan Huddleston’s Catalog
- Tricknology Video Series Sound Track
- Impentris, “Approaching the Darkness”
- Guitar Serenity, “Eras”
- International Roadie, “Music & Audio Tools”

This musical buffet is no substitute for the several projects I’m involved in, but it’s a nice peak into it. Please visit my website, at TeknixConcepts.com, to find so much more. For now though, I want to introduce the content of this album, and give you an idea of the various music projects from my collection.

First is the “Tricknology Video Series” 8-DVD set, its perfect for every Musician, Engineer, and Technician in the Music Industry, and those trying to break in. I take you with me into the shop, into the studio, and on the road, to teach you all the best trix & methods of professional Audio Engineers & Backline Technicians, at a fraction of the cost of anything like it on the market. Which I know are only available to industry professionals, so don’t miss your chance to break into a new and exciting career, or just pickup a few tricks to really set you apart from all the amateur musicians out there.

Next is Impentris‘s debut album “Approaching the Darkness.” Described by fans as “the soundtrack to the end of the world!” It’s a dominating collection of songs: with shredding guitar solos, cutting riffs, crushing bass lines, explosive drum fills, terrorizing vocals & painfully truthful lyrics.

But, if that sounds too intense, then check out Guitar Serenity’s “The Eras & Beyond,” a relaxing journey through classical guitar masterpieces. With a wide variety of classical favorites from notable composers such as Bach, Carcassi, Tarrega & Vivaldi, I’ve also intertwined my original compositions to deliver an intimate setting ideal for relaxation, healing, child & infant development, meditation, calming, memory development, and more.

And last, the International Roadie, music & audio tools CD. It’s an Encyclopedia of Sounds & Test Signals used by Audio Engineers, Backline Technicians, and Musicians. With 78 essential reference tracks for Professionals, it includes Drum Sounds, Test Tones, Oscillators, Pink Noise Generators, Speech, Musical Scales, Tips, Trix, Information, Music & more. These reference sounds can be used to test musical & audio equipment, such as Speakers, Amplifiers, Wireless Units, Cables, Effects Units, Processors, Interfaces, and just about anything else that passes signal.

I know, That’s a lot!! So, make sure you visit the website for more info & pick up some free stuff too, at TeknixConcepts.com. There you’ll find links to The Tricknology DVD Series, Impentris, Guitar Serenity, and International Roadie, as well as the Roadie Memoirs of my travels around the world, interviews of My Friends On Tour, Free Tips and Trix for quick and easy repairs, my new section Learn to Shred, and so much more.

Thanks for your support, and interest, and I hope you enjoy this musical sampler. I look forward to hearing from you soon, so find me on Facebook & Twitter, or just send me an email through the website at TeknixConcepts.com.

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