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The complete backstage experience. Go behind the scenes and get to know the band and crew. Here are their candid perspectives.

Ryan Huddleston

Bass Tech, Programmer

Rob Greene

Monitors Sound Engineer

Jason Moore

Front of House Sound Engineer

Kenny Sharretts

Drum Tech

Brock Hogan

Lighting Designer

Ian Planet

Guitar and Keyboard Tech

Moose Douglass

Guitar Tech



Pat’s Assistant


Train Crüe jams

Muse’s “Hysteria”

Train Crüe jams Muse’s “Hysteria”, at Global Citizen’s Earth Day in Washington D.C.

Train Crüe jams

The Foo Fighters’s “There Goes My Hero”

Train Crüe jams The Foo Fighter’s “There Goes My Hero” at Global Citizen’s Earth Day in Washington D.C.

Check out the hardest working crew in the business…

Check out the band, back stage & up close…

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