Ozzy Osbourne “Dee” with Randy Rhoads
Randy Rhoads is easily one of the best guitarists of all time. His classical influence changed metal forever. I especially like his use of the flat 2nd, breaking away from major & minor, to create his unique sound. Here’s my rendition of Ozzy Osbourne’s “Dee” by Randy Rhodes.
Mykola Leontovych “Carol of the Bells”
I wrote and recorded a guitar shredding version of the classic Christmas song, “Carol of the Bells”. This song was composed in 1904 by Mykola Leontovych. Check out my arrangement in this full length video.
Metallica “One” with Kirk Hammett
Kirk Hammett is one of the biggest influences on my guitar playing. The black and white music video of “One” sent Metallica to mainstream MTV. …And Justice For All is truly one of the greatest albums of all time. This legendary solo is filled with shredding guitar leads and is so fun to play.
Pink Floyd “Another Brick in the Wall” with David Gilmour
Pink Floyd is one of my all time favorites. David Gilmour really influenced my playing and taught me about space in music. Here is the solo from “Another Brick in the Wall.”
Pantera “Walk” with Dimebag Darrell
Dimebag is my #1 favorite guitar player of all time! This solo is so fun to play, filled with classic blues licks, shredding legato lines, walking two-handed slides, and the excessive use of the devil’s note. R.I.P. Dimebag!
David Bowie “China Girl” with Stevie Ray Vaughan
David Bowie was a true musical hero of mine, and one of the best song writers and performers of all time. I once got to see him sing a cappella at Radio City Music Hall in NYC, there was only about a dozen people there, it changed my life. He was a special kind of Rock Star! Here is my tribute to him, and guitarist Stevie Ray Vaughan (SRV). The “China Girl” guitar solo.
Van Halen “Eruption” with Eddie Van Halen
Some consider this to be the greatest guitar solo of all time. Van Halen erupted onto the scene with this virtuoso guitar solo. It was so out of the box that he literally turned his back to the audience in the beginning so people wouldn’t steal his licks. Every guitar player should know “Eruption” by Eddie Van Halen.
Pantera “Cowboys From Hell” with Dimebag Darrell
Cowboys from hell was the first Pantera song I ever heard and it changed my life. Having purchased the cd the same day I bought my first Metallica cd, I knew right away that I was onto something incredible. Pantera’s sound and Dimebag’s tone have truly created a legacy for all heavy metal riffs to be defined by and this solo somehow breaks all the rules and follows all the rules at the same time. Of course he uses the devil’s note frequently.
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