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Technical Tips & Trix, from audio tips to foreign language translations, for every Musician, Engineer or Technician in the Music Industry looking to expand their skills and tools.

ShredLicksnTRIXlarge.12SHRED LIX & TRIX

Shredding Licks & Tricks for Musicians. Short lessons of various musical concepts for guitar solos, drum grooves, bass lines, scales, and other musical ditties.

FriendsOnTour.6StrokeMY FRIENDS ON TOUR

Meet the personalities & positions of the band and crew on the road with Ryan, with interviews, pictures, bios, links, & Rock Star stories from around the globe.

TrainCrue Landing.8StrokeTRAIN CRUE

The complete backstage experience behind the scenes with Train’s Road Crew: pictures, videos, music, stories & more. Introducing the band and crew like never seen before.


Teknix Concepts & Ryan Huddleston in the press. Read from others who have interviews Ryan, the International Roadie. Ultimate Ears, Road Crew Live, Elixir, and more.

Custom Guitar Painting.4StrokeCUSTOM PAINTING & ARTWORK

Check out the Art & Custom Paintings Gallery. Guitars, Paintings, Christmas Ornaments, and more.


The gear used by Ryan Huddleston and the companies that he recommends. Thanks to all the vendors and friends for their support and endorsements.

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