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Impentris Record Release Concert

0.The Roadie Memoirs


Impentris Record Release Concert – July 13th, 2012

Impentris was live in concert, it was an awesome show!!! With the release of our debut album, “Approaching the Darkness”, we reclaimed our place in the San Diego Music Scene.  G.F.Y., Medius and ThEleventHour also appeared.  Here is a photo recap of the night at the Ramona Mainstage on July (Friday) 13th 2012.





















0.The Roadie Memoirs

Dubai Square Thumb.StrokeDubai, United Arab Emirates

Where outer space meets the Middle East, a whole new world on a magic carpet ride, or in a Ferrari. 

Tokyo Square Thumb.StrokeTokyo, Japan

Domo Origami Mr. Rubato.

Sydney Square Thumb.Stroke1Sydney, Australia

Let’s put another Barbie on the shrimp, she’s delicious.

Amsterdam Square Thumb.StrokeAmsterdam, Netherlands

“Roxanne, you don’t have to put on the red light…” But it really highlights your features, and green kinda makes you look like a pregnant alien.

St Thomas Square Thumb.StrokeSt. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands

Welcome to paradise, playmates, and stubborn goats that won’t share the road.

Athens Square Thumb.StrokeAthens, Greece

“When in Rome…” Destroy all the sculptural remains of the past…But leave the bosom please.

StoneHenge Square Thumb.StrokeStonehenge, England

“I said eighteen feet, not eighteen inches.”

Imp Concert image.5StrokeImpentris Record Release Concert

Impentris was live in concert, it was an awesome show!!!


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Aug 23, 2012 | Category: 0. International Roadie All Memoirs, Music, USA, z.2012 | Comments: none | Tags: , , ,