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Teknix Concepts Foreign Language Translations Banner Spanish

They have proven to be very helpful for basic communication and making friends.  Whether you need to find a bathroom, ask questions about food, avoid a dangerous emergency, move musical instruments and other equipment as a team, or just make simple conversation, these essential travel translations will have you looking like a professional international traveler instantly.

Español is spoken in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Uruguay, Venezuela and Spain.

Teknix Concepts Foreign Language Translations Spanish

Teknix Concepts Foreign Language Translations Thumb Spanish

Spanish / Español

Español is spoken in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Uruguay, Venezuela and Spain.

Teknix Concepts Foreign Language Translations Thumb Portugese

Portugese / Portugeses

Portugese is spoken in Brazil, Mozambique, Angola, Portugal, Guinea-Bissau, East Timor, Equatorial Guinea, Cape Verde, and São Tomé and Príncipe.

Teknix Concepts Foreign Language Translations Thumb German

German / Deutsch

German is spoken in German, Austria, Switzerland, and Italy. 

Teknix Concepts Foreign Language Translations Thumb Dutch

– Dutch / Nederlandse

Dutch is spoken in the Netherlands. You can also find it spoken in Belgium, Suriname (South America), Aruba and the Dutch Antilles (Caribbean).

Teknix Concepts Foreign Language Translations Thumb Danish

Danish / Danske

Danish is spoken in Denmark. You can also find it spoken in Canada,Germany, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, United Arab Emirates,USA.

Teknix Concepts Foreign Language Translations Thumb Chinese Chinese / Zhōngguó

Putonghua / Guoyu, often called “Mandarin”, is the official standard language used by the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of China (Taiwan), and Singapore (where it is called “Huayu” or simply Chinese).

Teknix Concepts Foreign Language Translations Thumb Japanese

  Japanese / Nihongo

Japanese is spoken in Japan, American Samoa, Argentina, Australia, Belize, Brazil, Canada, Dominican Republic, Germany, Guam, Mexico, Micronesia, Mongolia, New Zealand, Northern Mariana Islands, Palau, Panama, Paraguay, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, and USA.

Teknix Concepts Foreign Language Translations Thumb Arabic

  Arabic / Alarbayh

Arabic is the official language in Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Chad, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Palestine, and Western Sahara.

Teknix Concepts Foreign Language Translations Thumb French

  French / Français

French is the official language in Belgium, Benin, Burkina, Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Canada, Central, African, Republic, Chad, Comoros, Côte, d’Ivoire, Democratic, Republic, of, the, Congo, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, France, Guinea, Haiti, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Mali, Monaco, Niger, Republic, of, the, Congo, Rwanda, Senegal, Seychelles, Switzerland, Togo, and Vanuatu.

Teknix Concepts Foreign Language Translations Thumb Russian

  Russian / Russkiy

Russian is an East Slavic language and an official language in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan. It is an unofficial but widely spoken language in Ukraine, Moldova, Latvia, Estonia, and to a lesser extent, the other countries that were once constituent republics of the Soviet Union and former participants of the Eastern Bloc.

For any translations for languages that aren’t listed click here!

Tech Tips & Trix by International Roadie.

Tips & Trix for your daily use. Everything from audio tips to translations for traveling abroad. This section is perfect for every Musician, Engineer or Technician in the Music Industry.

Tricknology 8-DVD Set

Tricknology Video Series

The Tricknology Video Series, with 8 DVD’s & more than 6 hours of instruction, is perfect for every Musician, Engineer or Technician in the Music Industry. Ryan Huddleston takes you into the shop, into the studio, and on the road with him, to teach you all the best trix & methods of professional Audio Engineers & Backline Technicians.


Music & Audio Tools CD

  • The International Roadie, “Music and Audio Tools” CD is a supplement to the Tricknology 8-DVD Instructional Video Series.  Designed to help you with maintenance, servicing, and repairing all types of equipment used by musicians, audio engineers, and backline technicians. Use these test signals to check Sound System Fidelity and Function, in Studios, Theatres, Churches, Arenas, Stadiums, Home Theatres, Expos, Outdoor Events, Street Fairs, Festivals, and more.

Translation Main Image

Foreign language translations for your International Gigs.     

– Spanish                   – Chinese

– Portugese               – Japanese

– German                   – Arabic

Dutch                       – French

Danish                     – Russian

Treasures of the Web.2Here are some of my favorite websites to visit. Find lots of useful information and links here. 

– Shopping                – Security

– Finance                   – Food

– Music                       – Live Concerts


Teknix Concepts Tips n Trix Helpful DiagramsHelpful diagrams and charts. Everything from standard graph paper to the periodic table.

– Graphs                     – Charts

Schematics            – Formulas

Teknix Services Benner2


Music and VideosRockstar

Teknix Resource LibraryRockstar

Int Road Rockstar

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Elixir strings troubleshooting videos with Ryan Huddleston Ryan’s Recent Projects

Teknix Concepts Switchers Guitar Workshops Greatest Guitar Solos of All Time Music Videos by Music & Videos by Ryan Tricknology Video Series 8-DVD Set Tone Teknix Audio Teknix Impentris Approaching the Darkness Guitar Serenity The Eras and Beyond International Roadie Music & Audio Tools Test Signals for Audio Systems

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hello    hola

goodbye          adiós

please  por favor

thank you        gracias

you’re welcome           de nada

good    bueno

bad      malo

yes      sí

no        no

and      y

but       pero


I           yo

we       nosotros

you      usted

he        el

she       ella

person persona



now     ahora/ hoy

later     despues

day      día

night    noche

minute minuto

hour     hora



left       izquierdo

right     derecha

stop     parada

wait     espera or despacio

here     aquí

there    hay

fast      rápido

slow    lento

big       grande

small    pequeño

empty vacío

heavy  pesado

up        encima de/ariba

down   abajo

loud     ruidosamente

quiet    tranquilo

only     solamente

all        todos

hold     asimiento

put down        poner


COLOR          COLOR

black    negro

white   blanco

gray     gris

brown  café

red       rojo

orange  anaranjado

yellow amarillo

green    verde

blue     azul

purple morado


STAGE           TAPA

help     ayuda

careful cuidado

fragile  frágil

stage    tapa

riser     cubierta

case     caso

lid        tapa

wheels ruedas

carpet  alfombra

towel   toalla

smoke  humo

tape     cinta

light     luz

stand   soporte

cable    cable

microphone     micrófono

speaker            altavoz

guitar   guitarra

drums  tambores/bateria

keyboard         teclado

music   música



food     alimento

water   agua

toilet    baño

emergency       emergencia

exit      salida

entrance           entrada

stairs   escalera

drink    beber

alcohol alcohol

liquor   alcohol

wine    vino

beer     cerveza

trash    basura

hole     agujero

weather           clima

sun      sol

floor    suelo

clean    limpio

dirty    sucio

laundry            lavandaria



one-1   uno

two-2  dos

three-3 tres

four-4  cuatro

five-5   cinco

six-6    seis

seven-7            siete

eight-8 ocho

nine-9  nueve

ten-10  diez

hundred           cien

thousand         mil

million millón

billion  mil millones

trillion trillón



who?   ¿que?

what?  ¿qué?

why?   ¿porqué?

when?  ¿cuando?

where? ¿donde?

how?   ¿cómo?

what is your name?     ¿que es tu nombre?

how are you?  ¿como estas?

how do you say?        ¿como se dice?