- Professional Studio & Touring Quality

- Customize Any Cable Configuration

- Straight or Right Angle Connectors

- 6”, 1’, 5’, 10’, 15’, 20’

- For Guitar, Keys, And Other Unbalanced Instruments

The Teknix Concepts Custom Shop can help with all of your custom cable needs!

These Custom Instrument Cables are used by most Touring and Recording Professionals, and are custom built and reinforced with Teknix Trix and Rock Star Secrets. We use only the best cable and connectors so you can always count on them. All cables feature advanced construction techniques that only the pros know, way above the industry (consumer) standards. These cables are available in 6”, 1', 5’, 10’, 15’, and 20’; or contact us for custom lengths. Each cable comes standard with one straight connector and one right-angle connector, ideal for most playing scenarios. The 6” patch cable comes standard with two right-angle connectors. Custom connector configurations are also available. Just let us know what you need and we’ll get you Hooked Up!

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